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Custom Vocabulary

Understanding Custom Vocabulary

James Graham avatar
Written by James Graham
Updated over 9 months ago

We understand how important it is for the transcription of your conversations to be accurate and for you to have the ability to gain richer insights into those conversations 🎧.

With our AI we transcribe dictionary terms as standard. There are however certain words for example company names, specific industry terms or abbreviations, which aren't dictionary terms. We therefore need to train Jiminny's AI to understand these. We do this through the Organisation Vocabulary page.

To find the Vocabulary page please follow the below video 😊:

To add in Custom Vocabulary:
Watch the video below to see how you can add two different examples of non-dictionary words which will help Jiminny's AI to pick up on these 🀩:

Adding multiple pronunciations to Custom Vocabulary:

You will have noticed above that there are multiple pronunciations for the example of Jiminny. You can add up to five alternative pronunciations to a vocabulary term to give the AI the best possible chance of transcription accuracy. All you need to do is separate each term by a comma and a space.
You can also add in alternative pronunciations in the multitude of languages we have available on the platform, or choose the 'all languages' box if preferred.

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