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Instantly Share Recordings to Anyone
Instantly Share Recordings to Anyone

Use the Export portal to share your recorded meetings with prospects, customers, or outside departments

Stoyan Tanev avatar
Written by Stoyan Tanev
Updated over 9 months ago

Remember the days of recording a call, then downloading it, then uploading it, then saving it... somewhere?

Now it's easy to share Jiminny recordings not only with your team - but to any email address. Send recordings outside of Jiminny in a flash with our new Export Portal. 

Send a recording outside of Jiminny

Find the recording in Playback and select Export to send a link of the call or meeting recording. 

You can also share a direct link for playing the call using the "Shareable link" option and choosing when the link will expiry.

If the Jiminny meeting was synced to a calendar event, the email address' of everyone on the meeting invite from an external domain (outside of your organization) will auto-populate for you to send. 

You can type or copy+paste in as many emails as you'd like (just press enter in between). Add a note to provide context or to give a recap of the call. 

Notification of an Export

Anyone you send an export to will receive an email in their inbox, with your note and a secure link to the recording. 

Note:  If any email addresses are invalid, the export request will not be sent.

Export Portal View

There will be a "Listen Back" button in the email. Clicking that email will bring them to a portal which displays both the audio and screen share video recorded during the meeting. 

When you send an export, you'll get an email notification when the person clicks on the link to Listen Back.

Who can Export Calls?

Your administrator can choose to configure Exports in one of three ways:

Organizer: Only the Meeting Organizer can Export their own calls, as well as Managers, Admins and Owners
Team Members: Export calls from anyone on your Jiminny Team
Everyone: Anyone in the organization can export calls

Use Cases

  • Share the link with DM's and Stakeholders who couldn't make your scheduled meeting

  • Record a 1-2 minute new feature demo and share directly with your prospects to spark their interest in a conversation

  • Send important meetings and insights to consultants or contractors

  • Share with your personal email to remind yourself to listen to an important call

  • Send your call recordings to non-Jiminny users in your organization

Now the powerful insights captured during your recorded sales conversations can be shared with anyone. 

Happy sharing!

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