Having the ability to access your Jiminny data can open up a whole new set of possibilities for you to move the needle which is why at Jiminny, we give our customers autonomy over their data and provide you with the ability and insight to drive revenue generating activities.
What is the Jiminny API?
Let’s start at the top, an API (Application Programming Interface) is a way for machines to communicate or exchange data.
The Jiminny API therefore does exactly what it says on the tin, it enables our customers to pull information from Jiminny into other applications within your technology stack. Note that this is a partial Rest API and the format you receive the data in is JSON format. Head over here to see for more details API Documentation.
What do I need to do to use the API?
As much as we respect the drive of anyone who backs themselves to set this up, it is recommended that someone with experience in writing code (e.g. a software engineer or developer) should lead this task as it can be a little technical.
Once you’ve opened up a communication channel between Jiminny and other external applications, you’ll need to connect a database to this channel to store the information that you’re pulling out of Jiminny.
We recommended storing the data in a BI System/Data Warehouse, as you'll be able to use it more efficiently and create your customer reports and triggers. These are pretty self explanatory, they house the data you pull from Jiminny and can consume data from multiple sources.
Most of our customers will use a DWH to create a centralised multi-application dashboard for reporting, insights and alerts which makes it the go to for all reporting on global teams. If you need any recommendations on potential DWH’s - drop us a message, we’re friendly, we’ll sort you out, no dramas.
The good news is that this setup is not something you’ll have to do regularly for simpler, consistent report pulling so if you’re happy with receiving a defined set of data each month, you can even pull in a consultant to set this up for you.
It’s important you keep in mind that there will be updates and improvements to the API in the future so you will need to keep your configuration updated from time to time - keep that consultant's number handy just in case, yeah?
What can I do with the data coming from the API?
REPORTS. End of section...
Just kidding - Obviously we wouldn’t leave you hanging like that but reports are a significant use case that our customers use the API data for. The data allows you to create specific reports and pull data from multiple sources to validate what is really happening with your sales team.
As an example, you could pull call recordings numbers for each sales rep from Jiminny and pull logged call numbers per sales rep from your CRM and compare how your reps are recording their information accurately.
Dashboards and Monitors:
Possibly my favorite use case, what you’re able to do is pull the data from Jiminny into one centralized view with a load of data from other applications too and have one singular view of sales team performance, validating across multiple applications and data sources.
The power of this is accuracy and visibility: if I know exactly where my team is performing well, where my best markets are, where my biggest threats are - then I am building up a competitive advantage to best utilize this information and make intelligent decisions to close more business.
Customisable Team Insights:
Team Insights is one of our favorite features within Jiminny however there may be instances where you need very specific metrics and insights on your team's performance. In those instances, you can use the API to build our personalized views of Team Insights and make analytics truly actionable for your specific requirements.
Alerts / Nudges:
As you’re collecting and analyzing all of this data, the tempting thing to do is just stare at the screen and watch it.. No? Just me? Ok well luckily you can build in customisable alerting to be triggered across customisable communications channels like Slack, Email or Text giving you the ability to see and act on things in real time.
What information does our API provide?
The Jiminny API can provide you with a list of activities across a defined period of time. In order to get access to this list of activities, you will need a unique token identifier which we will provide you with that will only work for your data and your activities.
Each activity you pull will have the following data within it that you can view / use accordingly:
Metadata (title, host, participants, duration etc)
All of the CRM data connected to their activity
Playback: Summaries
Playback: Action Items
Teams and Topics on an organisation level
Teams and Topics on a call level
Playback: Questions
Playback: Notes and Comments
Playback: Statistics
Themes and Topics
Coaching Frameworks (The ratings, coach and coachee)
Transcription (who said what,when)
Ask Jiminny insights on a call level
Note that you can also build in volume thresholds on the data, we recommend implementing an initial threshold of top 500-1000 activities to streamline what you’re pulling. It is best practice to pull regularly in smaller amounts than one mammoth data dump every year, trust us, you do not want to crash your computer ad infinitum.
The information is provided in JSON format and the video content / call recordings are downloadable however this download link is only available for 24 hours once sent from Jiminny.
Head over here to see for more details API Documentation
How can I get access?
Like what you hear and want to find out more? Well you can book some time directly with your CSM if you’re an existing customer below or for new enquiries, just schedule a meeting with our team to get started!