You're able to configure your teams so that they only have visibility to specific activities. This is useful if you have larger teams or have multiple regions or business units that operate independently.
These settings don't override the private activity settings available to Managers and Admins which make specific calls private.
By default, all activities (except those marked private) are available to all users across Jiminny.
Who can control which teams can see which activites?
Your Jiminny Owners & Admins
How can this be configured?
Set Visibility Rules
In Organization > Manage > Teams there is an Activity Visibility button.
This button launches a window where your settings can be configured for that team.
Example Scenarios
Setting up for Regional / Functional Collaboration
If your team collaborates with another and they only need to gain access to their combined activity, they can both leverage the Selected Teams option to achieve this. For example, if they have a BDR Team and an AE Team, to allow these two teams to have the necessary visibility into the other to partner on deals, you should adjust the visibility setting on each team, respectively. Adjusting team collaboration in this way is usually done regionally or by business units.
Setting up for Senior Management
We recommend creating a Leadership Team and selecting Everyone visibility so they have visibility into all teams, then updating all other teams to have Team visibility, so thoseteams do not have visibility into the Leadership Team’s activity.
How do the visibility rules apply?
The rules apply based on the team visibility settings of who is viewing whose activity e.g. visibility rules for a specific team control whose activity they can see.
The rule is set on the team membership level and based on ownership of the activity.
If a user is not part of a team, the rules will not apply to them.
For example:
You are not a member of any team.
Team A has an Individual visibility set. Team B has Everyone's visibility set.
You can see any activity in Team A, but they cannot see yours.
You can see any activity in Team B, and they can see yours.
The owner of a team is not taken into consideration when applying rules.
For example:
You are the owner of Team B and a member of Team A.
Team A & B have a Team visibility set.
You will only have visibility of activities in Team A.
What parts of the platform are in scope for visibility rules?
Team Insights - Team drop-down will still show all teams, but activity won’t be included in the reports.
OnDemand - Team drop-down will still show all teams, but activity won’t be included in the results.
Deal Insights
Playback - It is possible to mention people without visibility in comments, but they will not be able to access the activity.
Nudges - Any activity that matches Nudge criteria will not be received with the nudge.
Live Coaching
Activity Shares - If a user has shared the activity with someone who does not have visibility, they will not be able to access the activity.
Playlists - If a user has chosen to share an activity with someone with a playlist, they will not be able to access the activity.
What is not in scope?
Since we don’t know who is viewing it, we cannot apply any rules. This can be used as a way to circumvent the restrictions and share them with people.
Any new teams that are created whilst this setting is active will also inherit Team level visibility.
Reversing Visibility Settings
Visibility can be changed or reverted once it is set- the setting is not permanent. With the exception of private activities, if team visibility is set back to Everyone, the activities of others will be visible once more to that team. This can be quickly achieved by toggling off the organization-level Activity Visibility setting.
We hope this helps
The Jiminny Team