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Deal Insights - True visibility across your pipeline 💰
Deal Insights - True visibility across your pipeline 💰
James Graham avatar
Written by James Graham
Updated over 2 months ago

Ready to know which prospects are worth your time?

We certainly are, that’s why we created Deal Insights! This allows you to forecast more accurately, see coaching opportunities in seconds and spend time on the deals that matter.

Your Source of Truth for Engagement

You have an overview of all the conversations that are being had with each prospect/client. Using the frequency of interactions and volume of activities per opportunity, you're able to dive a lot deeper into the deal engagement to get closer to intricate details of deals 😱

Jiminny's main aim is to make life easier for you, and for you to win! You'll be able to use the filters to see all your open, closed-won, and closed lost deals for a specific time period you've selected for you to get an understanding of the trends which can help close more deals. You'll also be able to use the filters to prioritize what you need such as selecting the required date, team and narrowing all the way down to a specific member.

How does it help?

You'll be able to use Jiminny every week as your go to sales tool to review your pipeline and spend time on deals that matter the most! Using Deal Insights you can track the engagement levels with the bubbles indicating the interaction activities such as emails, video meetings, voice calls & messages and SMS.

Deal Risk Alerts!

Easily spot warning signs such as a lack of recent activity so you can course-correct in time.

So what will trigger the alerts?

  • No activity in the past 14 days

  • No activity scheduled in the future

  • No response from the client's side for 14 days

  • The close date has passed

  • If the deal value has decreased by 30%

  • Competitor mentioned in conversations

    Please note deal risk timelines can be customized around your sales process

Import Custom Fields from your CRM:
To streamline your experience within Deal Insights, you can now import your custom CRM fields into Jiminny and create a view specific to your business to better track your pipeline at scale.

In order to do, you'll need to head to Settings / Organisation / CRM Data:

From here you can choose which fields you want to "Show" and which fields you want to "Hide" enabling you to customise your view for the organisation at scale.

Note that the "Hide" column is sorted in alphabetical order.

The order of the fields defines their position in Deal Insights so the closer to the top in the "Show" column - the further to the left they'll be in Deal Insights.

Customizing Deal Filtering with Close Date Settings
The Close Date Settings in Jiminny provide flexibility in how deals are filtered in Deal Insights. If your team does not use the “Close Date” field for deals, you can toggle this setting off. When turned off, Jiminny will automatically filter deals using the “Created Date” instead. This feature ensures that Deal Insights remain accurate and aligned with how your team tracks deals, allowing for better visibility into your sales pipeline.

Note - Only Admins and Manager roles are eligible to manage the Close Date Settings.

Head over here for more information on Custom Fields from your CRM

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