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How to snippet a call
James Graham avatar
Written by James Graham
Updated over 9 months ago

Did you know that you can share just part of a call with your teammates 🧐?

Sharing a snippet of a call is very useful if you would like to highlight a particular part of the call and to draw special attention to it with your team. You can share part of the call by clicking on the playback panel, hold down your mouse and drag over the part of the call that you would like to forward to your teammates or externally.

You can also hit the snippet button and create a 5 minute clip of the talk track or video while your'e listening, making it easy to capture those important moments in the call.

There are three possible options for sharing the snippet - Email, Slack or Shareable link.

Sharing with a teammate

When you share a snippet with your teammates, we recommend using Slack πŸ‘ .

Once you highlight the part of the call you want, proceed by clicking the πŸ“£ for Slack share. You will be able to share the snippet either to particular members or to a whole Slack channel! Awesome, right? πŸš€

Important note: If the participant does not have Slack, it will be sent to the participant via email.

Sharing with someone outside of Jiminny

You can also share snippets to people who are not using Jiminny. There are two ways this can be shared - Shareable link and Email. Please see below.

Shareable link

You are able to generate a shareable link within playback and choose an expiration time for when the end user will not be able to view the video again. This is a great example of how to share a snippet externally. You can achieve this by clicking the sharing button and the link will be auto-generated. You should only set "Expire Link in" duration - 1 day, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year or Never.


Simply enter the email addresses of the recipients you want to share the snippet with. You can also write a note and click "Send" πŸ€“

Adding a Snippet to a Playlist

You can also collect snippets and sort them into playlists and review them with your team.

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