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Setup Office365 email sync for Admins
James Graham avatar
Written by James Graham
Updated over 2 months ago

Jiminny’s Email Integration enables managers like yourselves and your reps to get a comprehensive view of conversations across calls, meetings and emails. Without it, you'll miss key interactions that occur outside of recorded calls and would lose extremely valuable insights, recommendations and feature functionality.

Jiminny imports both inbound and outbound (received and sent) emails from email accounts connected to Jiminny. We exclude deleted and draft emails. Jiminny only processes emails related to customer correspondence to avoid displaying internal and/or private correspondence.

So, how do you sync your emails with Office365?

For Administrators

We as a team are always looking for ways to save as much admin time as possible for you, our clients. To complete this set up, we recommend that you pre-approve access to your users via this Magic Link. When you click on this link, it will redirect you to a page requesting you to grant us the necessary permissions required to complete this integration at a tenant level.

Jiminny requires the following scopes to be authorized:

  • offline_access

  • openid

  • email, profile

  • Mail.Read

If you don't wish to pre-approve access, your users can request access ad-hoc during the enablement flow described below. These requests will show up as normal in your Enterprise Applications Portal.

For Users

Once the authorisation is complete, your team will need to simply;

  • Go to Settings

  • Click on Profile

  • Click on Integrations

  • Toggle on "Import Email Conversations"


How does Jiminny connect to Microsoft Outlook?

Users opt-in to importing their email, and consent to Jiminny. Jiminny runs multiple server instances on AWS that communicate with Microsoft servers to retrieve the emails. The connection is established via the OAuth connection described in the section above.

Where does Jiminny store the emails during processing?

Jiminny stores the emails in temporary memory during processing. If the email qualifies for import, it is then stored in both MariaDB and Elasticsearch, hosted in AWS.

How are emails presented and used in the Jiminny Platform?

Users should see emails represented as customer engagements as part of the Deal Insights product.

Which emails does Jiminny sync and process?

Jiminny syncs both inbound and outbound (received and sent) emails from email accounts connected to the Platform –excluding deleted and draft emails. Jiminny only processes emails related to customer or prospect correspondence to avoid displaying internal and/or private correspondence.

How often does Jiminny retrieve emails?

When a user sets up email synchronization, Jiminny will look back to the date the since the oldest open opportunity the user owns, or 1 week back if the user just signed up. Jiminny imports emails every 15 minutes, based on a “delta”, meaning Jiminny always gets the latest created emails for a user.

How does Jiminny ensure that only emails related to customers' correspondence are shown?
Jiminny only processes emails with at least one external participant (in the From, To or Cc fields), whose email domain/address matches that of an existing account/contact/lead within your CRM. This is to ensure that only customer or prospect-facing communication for a known account is collected.

Furthermore, blocked domain settings apply to emails as well. Jiminny does not process emails if the domain of at least one participant’s email address is included in the blocked domain list.

In addition, Jiminny has rules to identify transactional and marketing emails to avoid importing such emails, even when the domain matches a customer.

What type of email content can Jiminny process?

Jiminny currently supports processing and displaying emails in plain text. Emails using rich formatting or HTML will be stripped of formatting and HTML code to display only the text in the email. Email attachments are also not supported at the moment.

What data related to emails does Jiminny capture?

Jiminny captures the minimum data possible to analyze and present in the Platform:

  • Sender - email address and name

  • Recipients (including To and Cc, excluding Bcc) - email addresses and names

  • Subject

  • Email body (in plain text)

  • The following email fields, if present (as per RFC 5322, Section 3.6)

  • orig-date

  • message-id

  • in-reply-to

  • references

What happens if more than one Jiminny user is included in an email?
Jiminny de-duplicates emails so that if the same email is imported from multiple Jiminny users’ accounts, only one instance of the email is presented in the platform.

If one of the recipients is the owner of the matched opportunity, the conversation is assigned to them. Otherwise the conversation is assigned to the user who owns the inbox in question.

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