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Jiminny Voice - Sidekick Communications
Jiminny Voice - Sidekick Communications
James Graham avatar
Written by James Graham
Updated over 4 months ago

Did you know you can CALL and SMS from the Jiminny Sidekick?! 😲

It's really quick and easy! When you open the Sidekick, all you need to do is go to "Contacts". Once you are here you can start to search for leads or contacts in your CRM, as it is integrated automatically, which will pull through their contact details for us to easily make communication!

Once you have your chosen contact you have three different options for contacting them:

1. By clicking on the πŸ“ž you will call through the web

2. By clicking on the πŸ“± you will forward the call to your mobile device

3. By clicking on the πŸ’¬ you will be able to send text messages

When you go to send an SMS a text box will pop-up. Simply write the text and click "Enter". Easy, eh?What will happen if someone replies? If someone replies to your SMS, you will receive it in the SMS window and you will also receive an email with the full details. You can even send a response via the email and this will forward the message to the receiver's mobile device! 😊 AMAZING RIGHT?πŸš€

The benefits

- Calls logged straight through to your CRM

- Multiple-pronged communication to your prospects

- Quick note taking to easily refer back to

- Live coach straight from Sidekick

Calling directly from your CRM
Do you know that you can also call a contact or send an SMS directly from your CRM? You will have a native Jiminny "Call" button. Once you click on it, the two dialling options and the SMS option would be available for use.



Contacting from the internet you say...

You also have the ability to make phone calls straight from a contact number you find online... WOW! All you need to do is highlight the number, right click and go down to Jiminny Sidekick and the rest is history!

If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to contact our Support team!

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