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Pipedrive Integration FAQs

Get the details on how Jiminny integrates with your Pipedrive account

James Graham avatar
Written by James Graham
Updated over 7 months ago

Get the details on how Jiminny integrates with your Pipedrive account

Which plans are supported?

We support all plans offered.

For high volume teams or those with multiple Pipedrive integrations, we suggest the Gold or Platinum plan because these offer increased API limits.

How does Jiminny access Pipedrive?

Jiminny uses the Pipedrive REST API for accessing your data. Each user authenticates individually via OAuth 2 when on-boarding.

We require a Pipedrive admin to also have a Jiminny account to provide a back-link for metadata and object synchronization. This is because accessing the metadata requires additional permissions that your users generally won't have.

API Limits

As you may know, Pipedrive impose per-user API limits.

Jiminny is designed to use as few of these resources as possible. We understand your API limits are finite and use caching and a shadow copy of some data to help reduce our footprint. You can expect around 500 API calls per day per user, but it really varies depending on how much activity is placed or scheduled through the platform.

What type of information is sent to Pipedrive?

Jiminny creates Activity and Notes records. Optionally, Deal Stages can be updated as part of the activity log workflows.

Where is that information synced in Pipedrive?

The records are stored on Organizations, People, or Deals depending on who is related to the activity and how it is logged.

How are records matched between the systems?

Depending on the type of activity, the records are matched based on email address. Some examples follow:

Scheduling a Meeting

When you schedule a conference in your Calendar, Jiminny will automatically check each attendee against your Pipedrive account with the email address in the invite.

Ad-hoc Meeting

If you start an ad-hoc conference, when each participant joins they will be automatically checked against your Pipedrive account with their provided email address. Pipedrive don't support lookup by phone number.

Calling or Texting a Customer

Jiminny operates with a Chrome Extension that embeds into the page. We don't support click-to-dial but you can search by organization or person to dial out.

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